Sophie offers naturopathic and nutritional consultations, which are individualised to your specific needs. Naturopathy is a traditional, holistic approach to wellness. The Naturopathic medicine principles are based upon treating each person as an individual and treating the whole person. As Naturopaths, we are trained to seek the underlying cause of disease, rather than merely suppressing a client’s symptoms.

Talking Fertility: Sophie X Fertile You
Tell us a bit about your journey, what made you so passionate about Naturopathy and Women’s health? My Mum would have to be my biggest influence and….

Hormone & Skin Loving Smoothie
Smoothies are one of my favourite ways to get lots of nutrients into your system, easily and deliciously. This smoothie is filled with healthy fats ….

5 ways to stay healthy this Christmas
The festive season is classically a time to indulge, relax on your exercise regime, and put sleep on the back burner – but it’s more important than ever….

Have you been struggling to fall pregnant and need a little extra help? Whether you’re pregnant, looking to fall pregnant, have experienced a miscarriage or going through IVF – I’m here to help.

Are you not getting your full night’s sleep? Are you tossing and turning, over thinking, or waking up and not getting back to sleep? Are you constantly tired, and struggling to get through your day?

Do you suffer from acne, psoriasis, eczema, or generally dry skin? We can work to improve both your internal and external organs to get you the glowing, healthy skin you’ve always dreamt of.

Do you suffer from anxiety or depression? Are you sick of those constant thoughts running through your head, or tired of feeling so down all the time?

Do you experience hormonal imbalances; painful periods, no period, heavy periods, hormonal acne, polycystic ovarian syndrome, endometriosis, or going through menopause?

Gut issues? Bloating, pain, indigestion, IBS, diarrhoea, constipation or food allergies and reactions? Let’s figure out what, and why this is happening.